I get asked so many stupid questions from people and get so much crap for being dyslexic. So many ignorant people make stupid assumptions about me and my life with dyslexia instead of doing research or asking good questions before they make a fool of themselves. This is some one the stuff I hear.

1. "Oh you have dyslexia? So tell me, do you believe in dog?" That is an actual quote from someone I met. Wow you are so funny. That was clever. Like I never heard that one before. Contrary to popular belief, dyslexics do not read backwards, they simply mix letters or just can't comprehend what the letters mean.
2. "You're using your disability as a crutch." I am not leaning on my disability to get through life, I am fighting it and working around my problems to get through life. How can you use a disability as a crutch? If you are a cripple, you don't use your crippled leg as a crutch, you get a crutch so you can walk. My crutch consist of hard work, education, and a lot of help from people who care. Idiot.
3. "You don't seem dyslexic. You are reading perfectly fine out loud so you must be lying to get attention or to cheat in school." WOW...I worked very hard to be a fluent reader. It took blood sweat and tears to get where I am today. I could not read fluently until the age of eleven. Why would I lie about that? If you think I'm lying, go ask the multitude of doctors and psychologists who diagnosed me.
4. "dyslexia is just when you read backwards." actually dyslexia is an umbrella term for Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Anomia, and an auditory processing disorder. I was diagnosed with all of these.