Liebster Award is given to new and upcoming bloggers who have less than 200
followers. It is a token of love, an expression of motivation. The word
Liebster is a German word meaning sweetest, kindest, nicest,
dearest, valued, cute and welcomed. It is much sweeter than it sounds. Liebster
award ties up together the blogging community and brings a feeling of oneness
and unity."
first of all, thank you to
preetha at Teen Musings for my nomination. I can't believe you actually
found my little community. :3 I am very flattered you chose me.
And to my readers, if there are any of you, preetha has asked me some questions as is customary for the leibster. So without further ado, here are my answers.
1. Which Harry Potter character to you relate to most and why?
Surprisingly, I relate Hermione. She tends to speak her mind and
it makes people dislike her. I have the same issues. I am not afraid to state
my opinions.
2. Favorite food?
Pizza. No question. .
3. What is the craziest dream
that you had?
I have crazy dreams. A lot of them. I was harry potter once.
4. What was the first book that
you read?
I cant remember the first book, but I can tell you the first full
length novel. It was mattimio by brien jaques, who, regretfully, is no longer
with us.
5. Best moment of your life.
...Getting a puppy.
6. Where would you like to
travel on your holiday?
Oh, I would love to go to Colorado .
7. If you had to choose a time
frame other than the one you currently live in, when would it be?
1920! Early or late!
8. A book that you recently
Well I am reading the Grim fairy tails right now.
9. Who is your favorite
celebrity and why?
Lorde. Shes different.
10. Describe a childhood memory.
my older sister asked me and my other sister if we wanted to
see snow. then she told us to go outside and stand under the plumb tree that
had frilly white blossoms. she told us to close our eye and when we opened them
she was in the tree shaking the tiny white flowers down onto us and we danced
around like little fairies with snow-flake-like petels in our hair. it was
magical. <3
11. Which is your favorite
well there you have it readers! Happy Christmas!
my questions for my nominations:
if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
give me one profound statement you thought up yourself.
who inspires you the most?
do you ever just want to pack up and travel the world?
what makes you different from everyone else?
would you drive long distance, or fly?
what is your favorite time of the day and why?
what do you see for yourself in the future? (typical question. i know, im sorry.)
give me a quote said by someone who you respect, that really impacted your life. tell me how.
what's the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you?
how did you become a blogger?
some rules:
if I nominated you, you need to tag eleven other bloggers.
answer the questions above in a blog post
then give your nominations eleven questions to answer.
my nominations are
Hi, I think you should go through my post oncce more- I've added a few rules that I had forgotten to put earlier. My bad :P
i looked at your post and didnt see any changes :o