Childhood Memory
Little Bird
by Criminal Beauty
I dreamt I was a little bird
Who flew without a care
My whims and wants were boundless
As I soared upon the air
When suddenly a cloud approached
My will it turned to dust
The gloomy, glaring uncertainty
Reduced my may to must
Yet still I flew on higher
Ever searching for the top
My mind kept racing faster
How could I ever stop?
Finally perched upon the precipice
I paused to wonder, why?
And in that very moment
I lost my will to try.
My mental cage enveloped me
I was trapped forevermore
For who could love a little bird
Who could no longer soar?
Through days and nights my wings grew limp
'Till I could barely think
My skin grew thick and tough
Yet in my armor there was one chink
Without warning the sun grew brighter
My desire had returned
The flight I'd feared I'd lost forever
Was now something for which I yearned.
But by then my wings were weighted
Though I tried with all of me
To be that little bird once more
And to finally be free.
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