Tuesday, September 10, 2013

My Top Three Favorite Films

Some movies just need to be watched by everyone. Here are some of those movies.


 the movie is about an ex priest who turned from the church when his wife dies. he blames God for his lose and claims to not believe in him anymore. he has two children and a brother who lives next door. we view this small, broken and bitter family go through an alien invasion. when crop circles appear in his cornfields and his dogs go mad, he assumes its a hoax of some sort and that people are trying to terrorize his family until mysterious things start happening around the world. this movie is full of tense moments and plays into the fear we all have of the unknown. the acting is so real and raw. though it is a tense film there are many laughable moments, not to mention interesting shots. Five stars.


in this film, we follow a man who seems to be going somewhere or coming back. probably for business reasons. we never get to know. he is always making phone calls to his wife, actually just leaving messages. we see his house is empty and hear him over the phone. we are left to assume he is having marriage issues. it all starts when he cuts off a crazy truck driver. we never see his face and the most we ever do see is his hat and boots. this truck driver is intent on killing the main character while out in the middle of nowhere. the chase is on and the excitement ensues. three stars for the story line, and the other stars are for the artistic camera shots and acting. that makes five stars. i would describe this movie as being gritty. 

Apollo 13

Houston, we have a problem; not enough people have seen this film! 
funny moments, emotional moments, tense and frightening moments, great actors and a great director tell the story of the Apollo 13 crew. we see the excitement, the fear and the joy of going to space from the perspective of astronauts. once again, five stars. 

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